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Wealth Management, Wealth Management Cost, Wealth Management Fees, Wealth Manager

10 hidden management
fees you haven’t
heard of (Probably)

There is a perception, perhaps unjust, that the industry is opaque and expensive. As a result, wealth managers are preparing for the Financial Conduct Authority’s study into the fees levied on investors by the asset management industry, due to start in early 2016. However, Lee Goggin, co-founder of, refutes that notion saying: “Improved fee transparency […]

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CEO, Find A Wealth Manager, Wealth Manager, Private Bank , Asia

Why do wealthy investors choose Asia Private Bank?

High net worth individuals (HNWs) are increasingly global. Business interests abroad, to investments, future planning, family, tax planning, and international property investment, are all commonalities amongst HNWs. Home country tax and legal complexity unsuited to the individual’s situation is another common denominator. As a result, a HNW’s financial horizon clearly extends well beyond ‘home’ country borders. […]

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Robo-Advisor, Traditional Wealth Management, Wealth Management Fees, Wealth Manager

The bottom line on wealth management fees (and the value they represent)

Traditional wealth management fees have come in for criticism recently, but investors need to appreciate both sides of the debate, argues Lee Goggin, Co-Founder of Wealth management fees have been high on the media agenda. The rise of robo-advisers and DIY investment platforms have made cost-effective, entry-level investing a reality; there has also been […]

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Equities, Funds, Investment, Portfolio, Risk, Wealth Management, Wealth Management Strategy

The risks and restrictions of investing solely in funds

Fund investors cannot become complacent and should recognise the restrictions and hidden risks associated with collectives, explains Lee Goggin, Co-Founder of It’s only human nature to want to reduce complex things to simplistic formulas and to try to fend off uncertainty with (reductionist) received wisdom. But often doing the “right” thing can lead to […]

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