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Our team of wealth experts are standing by to help answer your questions.

The team at Pennywise have suggested that we might be able to help you with providing an assessment of your finances to make sure they are working hard for your future.

We consider the thirty wealth managers which which we partner to be the best in the industry. After our initial call we will suggest companies based on your specific requirements and any subsequent calls are completely free and without any obligation.

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Why our clients trust us

ManagerSearch revolutionises the way that investors find and connect with the best wealth service providers. Here’s why:

We're smarter

Powering our ManagerSearch tool is an innovative, sophisticated algorithm that swiftly cuts through all the noise and hearsay to match you to the right wealth service providers based on your needs and their capabilities.

We're faster

What used to be a tedious, time-consuming process – which involved reaching out to numerous contacts for recommendations and sifting through countless company websites for information – now takes you just 3 minutes.​

We're cheaper

Not only is our ManagerSearch tool free (due to the fact that companies pay us to market their products and services to relevant clients), but we create competition for your business, which can end up significantly reducing your fees.

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We give you access to a wide range of companies

We know each firm intimately, particularly their specialities and proven capabilities – enabling you to fast track through the industry with ease and insight.

  • Amicus Wealth
  • Arbuthnot Latham Private Bank
  • Blu Family Office
  • Bordier UK
  • Brown Advisory
  • Brown Shipley
  • Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
  • Cazenove Capital
  • Charles Stanley & Co. Limited
  • Credo Wealth
  • Evelyn Partners
  • Hottinger & Co. Ltd.
  • Investec Wealth & Investment
  • James Hambro & Partners
  • Julius Baer
  • Kingswood Group
  • LGT Wealth Management
  • Magus Wealth Limited
  • Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) SA
  • Mole Valley Asset Management
  • Nedbank Private Wealth
  • Netwealth
  • Oakglen Wealth Limited
  • Partners Wealth Management
  • Plurimi Wealth
  • Quilter Cheviot
  • RBC Brewin Dolphin
  • Rothschild and Co
  • Ruffer LLP
  • Seven Investment Management (7IM)
  • Tribe Impact Capital
  • Tyndall Investment Management
  • UBS

A few readings to get you started:

Find a wealth manager with transparent fees and who commits to best practice